Domain Name: Check.

Posted on Sunday, Aug 12 @ 9:43pm.

There were less actual issues and more administrative stuff that was dealt with today.

  • Set up the name servers to point from the namecheap dns to linode.
  • Set up the dns configurations on the linode site. (Thanks #linode!)
  • Set up the virtualhost for the site (again, thanks #linode!)
  • Added Google Analytics
  • Regenerated the systems to include bands that would identify the planet type
  • Added colors to show different bands.
Currently there are 12 tickets in the issue tracker until the MVP is released!


Posted on Monday, Aug 6 @ 9:54pm.

So, it's been a long day, but there's still a few updates for you.

  • There were about 100 duplicates of the greek names. I cleaned it out. Of the 1331 planets, they all have unique names of greek gods.
  • I got the move function working. Now stuff moves between the cargo space and storage. It also checks for too much, etc.
  • I got the stack function working, so that's cool.
  • I have introduced modal dialogs for:
    • Split Stacks
    • Buy Items
    • Sell Items
    This will make it a lot easier to deal with the inventory.
  • The funds are now shown on the market, as that's the most logical place to have it
  • The population information is moved from the map to the market. It makes more sense, and can be easily expanded to contain tech information and such.

Updated Maps

Posted on Monday, Aug 6 @ 9:34am.

Well, I woke up at 6:30, and wasn't able to fall back asleep. I thought of a ton of great ideas for the map and market, although I only really did the map ones.

  • Added Relative Location
  • Added maps of the XY and XY of your Ship Range and the Total Range.
  • Added larger maps that are shown when you are moving.
  • Only shows the charters that are within range.
Pretty spiffy.

Getting very close!

Posted on Sunday, Aug 5 @ 10:56pm.

Another productive day!

  • The charter (war|fly|whatever) command now works. It also sports some fancy javascript.
  • The ship page now shows the cargo space properly. There isn't any way to get cargo yet, but that's coming soon!
  • The ship speed is now dependent of the amount of cargo. The more cargo, the slower your ship is.
  • The ship now has some basic stats that have been hard coded into functions that can later be changed.
  • 213 Locations have been generated and added into the system, but are yet to be named or populated. Ship speed and distances and max time traveled now reflect semi-realistic numbers.
  • Funds are now shown, but don't do anything as the market is unavailable.
  • Cargo items are generated. There are currently three items. Interface has been made to show on the cargo page:
    • Cargo space usage, like on the ship page.
    • Simple image along with quanityt at 128px x 128px
    • Stats when you hover over the image
    • Commands when you hover over the image (Sell,move,split,stack)
    • Current station storage.


Posted on Saturday, Aug 4 @ 3:23pm.

Got quite a bit done. The theme is slowing me down a bit, but it's better than trying to integrate bootstrap later, if you ask me.

  • Got complex random sessions working.
  • Embedded IRC Chat (
  • Got the basic design of the ship page. It will be expanded as the other pages are done.
  • Pulled the main data for the map along with the sorting logic.
  • Got most of the map html and started getting the charter function down. Made a simple validate_charter() function for easy feature adding.
Suck it, Pete!

Gaining Steam

Posted on Friday, Aug 3 @ 7:56pm.

Welcome to day two of Armada of Nyx. Currently the registration works, but the login isn't setting a session yet. Getting very close though! You'll also notice I've changed the boostrap theme from the default twitter to the cyborg theme from bootswatch. Fret naught, there will be plenty of custom css later on.


Posted on Thursday, Aug 2 @ 8:25pm.

Welcome to a new web mmo, Armada of Nyx! Currently, this is the MVP, and will initially be a space trading game.

© 2012 — josefnpat